Autoimmunity and Gut Health Part 3, The Gut-Brain Axis Series, The Microbiome-Autoimmune Connection

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The Autoimmune and Gut Health Connection, Part 3: Dr. Alessio Fasano’s work on Autoimmunity

This week we will review the groundbreaking work of Dr. Fasano and autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is when the immune system becomes overactivated and attacks the body’s own tissue.

What causes this attack? Read on for more details.

These are three steps that can cause an autoimmune condition:

  • a genetic tendency
  • an environmental trigger
  • a leaky gut

To prevent and address an autoimmune condition, it is vital to work on improving your gut health. We can help you to do that.

Zonulin is a substance found in the gut that controls permeability or leakiness. There are tight junctions, which are like doors, on the gut lining. Zonulin opens these doors. Then food molecules, toxins and bacteria can get out of the gut tract and into circulation in the body. We call this condition, when the doors are open, leaky gut. To continue reading CLICK HERE.

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